Awarding of the First Antidote Prize at Science Fair Final

To mark International Francophonie Day, Druide informatique and Réseau Technoscience have established the first Antidote Prize for Quality of Language at the Hydro-Québec Science Fair. At the Science Fair’s 23 regional finals, as well as the Quebec final, the Antidote Prize will be awarded to the team with the most impressive French or English usage in their presentation. Each winner will also receive a copy of the renowned Antidote software.
Creating the Antidote Prize is a way for Druide and Réseau Technoscience to highlight the importance of quality of language for students—primary, secondary and high-school alike—who want to pursue a career in science. “A major determiner of scientists’ success is the written quality of their funding applications, publications and reports,” says André d’Orsonnens, chairman and CEO at Druide. “For this reason, Antidote is an essential tool for young people going into the sciences, whether they write in French or English," points out Marthe Poirier, assistant director general at Réseau Technoscience and head of the Science Fair program.
The regional contests of the Hydro-Québec Science Fairs took place this spring to decide the finalists for the next round: the Hydro-Québec Super-Expo-sciences. The Quebec-wide final will be held next April 19-22 at Espace Shawinigan. Druide will also award a copy of the Petit Druide des synonymes et des antonymes to all 250 participants.
Aside from its commitment to student participants of the Science Fairs, Druide also offers multi-user licences for Antidote 9 to Réseau Technoscience’s regional organizations. This supports their various promotional activities in the areas of science and technology.
Druide informatique produces and markets Antidote, the most complete writing assistance software suite available for English and French, as well as Typing Pal, the renowned typing tutorial application. The company is also the creator of WebElixir, a quality assurance service for websites. In addition to its software, Druide publishes French-language literature and reference works through its subsidiary, Éditions Druide.
Réseau Technoscience and its regional organizations work throughout Quebec, encouraging a passion for science and technology among young people aged 4 to 20. Their programs and activities are designed to inspire the next generation of scientists through concrete support of teaching in science and technology. Réseau Technoscience runs the following programs: the Science Fairs (Expo-sciences), Défis technologiques, the Club des Débrouillards and Les Innovateurs à l’école. It also supplies a number of educational materials and activities for primary and secondary schools.