
Terms of Engagement

July, 2024 Word Stories

A lot has changed over the centuries, but sporting events still provide a very public stage for the high drama of tragedy and triumph. This Word Stories instalment shines a spotlight on the long pedigrees of some common words related to athletic effort and competition.

Words That Pack a Punch

June, 2024 Language Matters

Some words charm the ear with pizzazz and others thud without melody, but can word sounds exude other qualities: size, shape, or even disgust? Enter the world of sound symbolism!

I Like Coffee, I Like Tea

May, 2024 Word Stories

Will you be celebrating International Tea Day on May 21? From a word lover’s point of view, it’s a good time to reflect on the impressive history of our daily caffeine fixes. Take a quick coffee break, then, and savour these delicious, stimulating stories of the world’s favourite hot drinks.

Does a Rose By Any Other Name Smell As Sweet?

April, 2024 Language Matters

This instalment of Language Matters looks into why many historical figures’ names are translated, and how cultural and linguistic contexts can influence personal name choices.

Metathesis: Sounds on the Move

March, 2024 Word Stories

This Word Stories instalment examines the way sounds can get switched around in words—sometimes forever—in a linguistic process called metathesis.

A Journey Through Jungles of Jargon

February, 2024 Language Matters

This instalment of Language Matters does a deep dive on jargon. Learn about the development of industry-specific terminology and when it should be used (or avoided!)

The Week That Inherited the Earth

January, 2024 Word Stories

This Word Stories instalment shows how ancient religious and political revolutions gave us the modern days of the week.

O, Syntax Tree

December, 2023 Language Matters

This Language Matters instalment spotlights a particularly iconic example of trees in linguistics: the syntax trees used to model sentence formation.

Cosmic Questions

November, 2023 Word Stories

This Word Stories instalment shines a spotlight on common words related to cosmology.

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